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Volunteers are signing up for our Service Weeks again!


Isn’t it great to be able to travel again and have a little more flexibility?

Why don't you come down to Project Amigo for a week of activities, helping to transform the lives of children?

The recent “Day of the Dead” was a great experience for the 12 participants who came from as far as Alaska, Florida, California, Maine, and Delta, British Columbia.

Staff members are now preparing for the annual Christmas Fiesta Week, from December 4th to 11th. We are currently planning a fundraiser, which will allow us to offer a Christmas experience to our 350 Elementary School Students. They will receive a set of clothing, shoes, a book, a toy, a visit with Santa, and an exciting Christmas Party with Piñatas. Together our staff, volunteers, and donors will make this happen.

Watch for our upcoming promotion!

We still have openings for English Tutoring Week II, from Jan 22nd-29th, and Canadiana Week from February 19th-26th.

If you wish to learn Spanish there is an opportunity to attend a two-week program in Spanish Immersion, from June 25th to July 9th.

To learn more about these and other available Service Weeks click here for more info.


The winner is …….

You may recall the draw for a one-week stay in a condo at the beach in Manzanillo for those who registered for a service week prior to October 1st. The lucky winner is Brian Craig, from Alberta, who will be attending Canadiana Week in February.

Congratulations Brian!


The gift of English

More than 30 of our Suchitlan Students have received the privilege of taking part in the weekly English Classes as a result of a very generous donation from the Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise.

In this VIDEO, several students express their gratitude and share their progress.


Sponsorships build lasting relationships

When Fred and Annemieke Vermeulen visited Colima in 2010 from the Netherlands, they signed up for Fiesta Week. That’s where they met Abel Vargas, one of our Project Amigo High School Students who was hoping a sponsor would come forward to support him in his dream to become a Special Education Teacher.

The Dutch bonded immediately with Abel and became his Sponsors. They continued to sponsor him through University and kept in touch through the monthly letters that Fred’s sister Loes - fluent in Spanish - offered to translate.

Loes also had the opportunity to meet Abel in 2015, when she attended a Service Week.

This September Abel made a trip to Europe and planned to visit Amsterdam with his friends. The Vermeulens immediately agreed to drive in from various parts of the Netherlands to meet up with him. It was an emotional experience. Abel shared this short VIDEO with us.

Even if your student may not be able to travel to visit you, you are always welcome to come to Colima to meet and spend time with your student whenever possible.


A legacy for George

With the sudden passing of George Nikel on June 26th, Project Amigo lost a long time supporter.

George served on the PACS Board, sponsored students, attended several Service Weeks and requested that in lieu of flowers a donation be made to Project Amigo. This request resulted in receiving more than $1,500.00, which will be applied to purchase a much needed, refrigerator for the Suchitlan Study Centre. It will be stocked with fruits and vegetables for the students going directly from class to attend their weekly Homework Club or English lessons.

We are very grateful to those who provided support in memory of George.


Book us for a presentation

Whether virtual or in person, we are happy to update you on the great work of Project Amigo and our students.

In late August, PACS Liaison Elly Contreras and Ramiro received a warm invitation to present at the Salmon Arm Noon Rotary Club.

What a pleasant surprise to be handed a generous cheque to support three Junior & High School Students by Club President Gary Hoffart and International Service Chair Cole Graff.

If your club or organization wants to get involved, we’d love to talk to you. Please contact us:


Project Amigo Success

Project Amigo has consistently achieved very high success rates, guiding children from low-income rural areas, literally taking them by the hand, guiding them through their education and any difficulties.

Over the years, Project Amigo has supported a total of 118 University Graduates.

More than 900 students have also graduated from High School. All of these students are from families whose parents may have only attended elementary school.

At the end of this 2021- 22 School year, Suchitlan had 78 students enrolled; 34 in Junior High, 13 in High School, 29 in University, and 2 in Vocational or Technical training.


Your sponsorship changes lives

Project Amigo staff is currently getting the renewal letters out. If you haven’t received yours please contact

Many of our sponsors have already sent in their donations, for which we are very grateful.

Due to an increase in impoverished families, Project Amigo Canada has taken the leap to accept 18 new Junior High School students in the Suchitlan Study Center. We trust that we will find more sponsors to provide support, giving these students the opportunity to continue their studies and help them build their futures.

Do you know someone who could help sponsor a student Elly,?

Please share this bulletin or the link to our Donation Page

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